1- Get rid of what you don't use. We already saw it a long time ago in the aforementioned documentary and although it sounds obvious, the less things we have, the easier it will be to order. Therefore, get rid of everything that you have not used for a long time and also has no sentimental value.
But if we still doubt whether we should keep it or not, there are a series of questions that the great Japanese order guru taught us. They are the following
- Does this color suit me?
- Does the shape of this jewel highlight my most beautiful features?
- Does it reflect my style?
- Does it fit my lifestyle?
- Do I feel attractive wearing it?
- Our favorite: If I saw it in a store today, would I buy it again?
2-Find a place for everything . Whether inside boxes or in plain sight as part of home decoration, finding the perfect place for our jewelry will prevent us from leaving them anywhere again.
3- And last but not least, enjoy what Marie Kondo calls Kōfuku, or what is the same, enjoy the happiness and excitement that having everything in its place causes us.
In the following video, the video blogger Elena Herráiz explains it to us.